Saturday, March 18, 2006

Father Hear Our Cry

The Spirit is willing, but The Flesh so, so weak.
All of us are in need of a Saviour,We need you Lord God Our Creator,
Without you Father our lives are nothing, we will surely die.
You gave all, we can never repay you, such a Glorious Sacrifice You Have Given.
Our lives are not our own, we are bought and paid for by your Precious Blood.
Help us Lord to know you and to seek you in all that we do, show us your plans for our lives.
Without your Love and without your Holy Spirit, we are lost and undone .
You are our strength and our only hope, Deliver our Souls Lord . Make us complete
in you.
Cleanse us Father and make our way straight.
You are the God That Healeth Thee, The God that Sets the Captives Free.
Father, You give unto us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning.
There is Liberty in you.
We look for Hope in the wrong places, when You are our only hope.
Heal me Lord from all my brokenness, make me whole and right in your sight Dear God.
I Love You with all that is within me, Make me a vessel that you can use.
Let All Of God's Children Call on Him And He Shall Hear.
Isaiah 65: 24
And it shall come to pass, that before they call,
I will answer; and while they are yet speaking,
I will hear.

Draw us near to you .
Teach us your ways.
Save our Souls from darkness. Open The Eyes Of Our Hearts Lord So WE Can See You.

If you don't know Christ Jesus as your Lord and Saviour,
Ask Him In Your Heart Today........

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Thanks You Lord For Withholding Your Wrath

Why Do We Continue To Walk In Our Own Ways?
Do we not understand our ways are not your ways Lord? Our thoughts are not your thoughts.
We are so sick Father, Heal our iniquities.
We walk in the ways of man and continue to try and please man rather than you God.
So many words spoken that mean nothing , We do not allow your spirit to lead us , Forgive us Lord for our sinfulness.
You are our God and we choose to serve other god's, Our hearts are waxed cold against you,
We accept you as Lord of all ,but we rely on what we think is best rather than relying on you.
We have left our first love. We do not see, nor do we hear thee.
We grieve your spirit that you have placed within us, we have no communion with you Father.
We turn away and ask not forgiveness from you for our wicked ways.
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
Do we not understand that you can pour out your wrath upon us the same as you did upon
your people in pass times?
You are respecter of none and your commandments remain the same. We try to makeup our own rules, We try and justify our sins to make them alright, Don't we know we are being deceived? We are allowing Satan to blind us and trick us into believing there are no consequences for our sins.
Don't we know that we are accountable for all that we do in the Body?
Romans 14: 11,12
11) For it is written, AS I LIVE, SAITH THE LORD,
12) So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

Romans 6: 1
What shall we say then?
Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?

Romans 6: 12,13,14
12) Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye obey it
in the lust thereof.
13) Neither yield ye your member as instruments of unrighteousness
unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead,
and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
14) For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under law, but under grace.

Our desires should be only to worship and serve our Lord and we die to ourselves and
live unto him.
Allow him to speak and lead us in all our ways , unto his glory and his purpose.
We are not here to do anything but to do our Father's will, Nothing Else...........
Thank you Father for forever keeping your hand upon us and
your mercy and grace.
For not pouring your wrath upon us, and smiting us.
Thank you for your love and compassion on your children .
I love you and forever want to serve you, Your will be done in my life.
Show me thy direction, lead me and I will follow.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Lord Deliver Us From Ourselves

What do we have if we gain the friendship of the world and all that's within if we lose our very souls? Father God help your children....
So terrible to even think about, but we must think about what can happen if we do not obey God.
Set free indeed, but not accepting our deliverance , allowing ourselves to still be in bondage. Why?
Father forgive our disbelief and lack of faith.
You said without faith it is impossible to please you.
(Faith in action) Standing on the Rock of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Breaking down the strongholds in our lives.

There is not one single thing you have not bore upon yourself and on the cross , You alone brought Salvation and deliverance and healing to each and everyone of us.
Why do we have so little faith? Why do we continue to put limitations on you?
All Things, I mean All Things Are Possible With You, There Is No End To The Possiblies ,If We Just Trust InThe Power Of Your Blood And The Cross. ( Help Us All To Understand Your Fullness).
Through Your crucifixion and Death, and being Rose Again In Spirit And ALL Power,
You Broke The Chains Of Bondage That Held Your Children Captive.
It Is Complete, Finished. Thank you Lord Jesus............
You placed your spirit and power within your children, but we choose to allow the lies of the enemy to hold us back in bondage, we allow him to play on our minds and make us think we can do nothing, and he is right we can do nothing outside of you, It is your spirit within us that makes us able to do anything.
We need to grow strong in faith, but this comes only by nourishment from you Father, through your daily bread ( Your Word)
The world is just that; worldly and full of lust and deceit, we need deliverance from ourselves,
because if we would feed our spirit and minds and souls we would not be overcome in our sins.
Without our daily bread which comes down from heaven we grow weak , without our prayer,
(Communion with our Father ) we lose direction. Don't we see it not the world against us,
Its us against us by not walking in obedience to God, we can not blame anyone but ourselves.
But our Father said if you will seek me you shall find me, He will reveal Himself unto us if we will
just call out to him.
Now Father I pray on the lives of myself and your children, we need your strength and wisdom.
We need a touch from you Lord God That Heals And Delivers.
We are overcomers through your word that we feed upon, We need sanctification.
Speak to our spirit and let our souls be made right in thine eyes.
Help us understand and claim our total deliverance today.
Anoint our hearts and minds.
Let us be vessels of honor onto you dear Lord.
Forgive mine and all your children's disbelief, let us not be just hearers of your word but doers also, send us Lord in your strength and might.
Cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Let our Dry Bones, Live Once Again,
For Your Glory.
In Christ Name I Pray....


Rocks Don't Cry For Me

God does so love his children.
What more will it take for us to truly understand?
There is NOTHING more he can do........
He sent forth His Very Own Precious Son, and placed your sins and mine,
( the whole world ) upon him.
He was beaten and nailed to a cross , shedding his Own Blood, that we could be
There is nothing to compare, or nothing else to be done.
My God, Help Us See Our Shamefulness............

He bare it all and we still will not look to him.
Don't we understand we are to offer up spiritual sacrifices to our Heavenly Father?
1peter2: 5
Ye also as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house,
an holy preisthood, to offer up Spiritual sacrifices,acceptable to God by
Jesus Christ.

Do we not understand that if we don't give you praise the very stones (rocks)
will cry out?
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!!!!!
Luke 19: 40
And he ( Christ ) answered and said unto them,
I tell you that, if these should hold their peace,
the stones would immediately cry out.

Why can we not seem to glorify our Lord and Saviour?
HE IS SO WORTHY......................................
Sometimes I just can't understand, people go to ballgames and concerts, races, etc....
And jump up and down and scream and shout the victory for our favorite people, we put them
up so high above everything, and what have they done for you?
absolutely nothing.
But the One person , God and Saviour of all who has given to us the very best Christ Jesus
The very one that gave all , The Precious blood, A Lamb for Slaughter, He did it all, and everything for you and I, and where is his Cheering section? Why do we remain in our seats? paralyzed it seems, Help us Lord. Why are our Lips silent when it comes time to shout the victory, the freedom , life everlasting, that he has given unto all that believe on him?
He chose you and gave his life for you that you might live and not die.
1peter 1: 9
But ye are a chosen generation; a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;
that ye should shew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness
into his marvellous light.

Let us begin our days will a sacrifice of praise, Glorify your Father,
because without him you would not have any days, how patiencely he waits for you and I
to see and understand if we will just humble ourselves and bow before him and accept his love and guidance he will protect and keep you and make your life complete and whole in him.
He will give you such peace and give you the desires of your heart.
He is waiting to shower you with heavenly blessing and prosper you in all that you do.
Lets Worship And Adore Him and Give Our Lives Completely to Him, He Will Not FAIL YOU..
I will praise him with all my heart, all my strength, till the day he takes me home .
I will not let the stones cry out in my place.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Running Your Race To Victory

Did you not know that you are running the Biggest Race Of Your Life?
The clock is ticking and time is running out......
The Race you run is yours Alone, even though there are others running a race too, The races are alike in some respect, but different also, its not about who gets to the finish line first, its about who will complete the race.
People don't always start their race at the same time.
Your race begins the moment you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, Then
Christ applies the Blood upon you,( which makes you a winner !!!!! ) Praise God Almighty.
Then Christ Jesus gives you all direction on how to proceed to victory lane.....
Remember You Have The advantage , Christ Jesus has already ran your race ahead of you,
So he knows what is in your path and how to overcome these obstacles, if you will just focus your eyes and ears toward him, he will guide you through...........
Your race is straight forth, There are only sharp curves and winding roads or dead-end streets,
If you decide you already know the course and you can do it alone.........................................
Then this is where your race gets hard, solely because you have taken your eyes off of Christ,and become blinded and bare off the road and turn your race into a Demolition Derby .
You stall out and lose all will to even try and finish, thus forth Satan laughs and thinks he's
pinned you up and no power to go on, and he comes to take you completely out of the race,
Thinking he has completely finished you off......
But By The Power Of God, it does not have to be, with his unfailing love and forgiveness,
He will gently pick you back up and set your feet back on course, stronger than ever, if you will just humble yourself and call unto him and ask forgiveness for taking your eyes off him, he will restore you back into your race and will lead you to the finish line.
There You Will Receive Your Reward, ( ETERNAL LIFE)
Will you ask him to lead you today?
Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher
of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him
endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down
at the right hand of the throne of God.
Let Us , Let God Have All Reign In Our Hearts And Every Area Of Our Lives.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Grace and Mercy....
You are my Rock on which I will always stand.
Your Grace so undeserved,
Your mercy that holds back the punishment I do deserve..
Such forgiveness through your precious Blood....

You are so worthy to be PRAISED , The love you have for all your children, respecter of none, you came and died that sinners such as us could live, we owe you our upmost HONOR and PRAISE .
By The Way Of The Cross will we only find forgiveness and peace,
Through you alone can we be made clean and upright.
You are the light that leads us to salvation. ( no other way).
If we have not you , we have lived our lives in vain and our very souls will
forever be lost and tormented.
You Loved so much and received so little. ( Forgive Us All for our Sins and the turning of our hearts from you.) Thank You for withholding your judgment from us . Do we not understand that you hold our next breath in your hands and you have all power to smite us ? Do we not understand that you will not always hold your wrath from upon us, that there will come a time when you will separate the wicked .
Do we not understand, you are to be Reverence ? Help Us Not To Be ignorant In Your Sight...
Now I say to each and everyone, Please hear your Father calling his Child to everlasting Life, a call unto the saving of our souls, Set Free from the World That entangles and Blinds your heart and keep you in Bondage .Christ wants to be Your Redeemer, Restore You and Plant your feet on Holy Ground.
Listen and really hear what Your Father Is Speaking To You .
Your Father wants to place within you a Clean Heart, Pure before him, A Heart to be able to Love and Understand his ways.
A Heart to be his good servant, Faithful And True...
If You need or feel you have failed God or have never known Him,

Friday, March 03, 2006

What A Friend

Finding a friend is such a wonderful and precious gift, someone to confide in ,
someone to put your trust in and count on in your time of joy, and your time of sorrow,
someone to listen and understand, someone to depend on when there is no one else.
This is a true friend.
Someone to stand by you through the good times and the bad.
I have wanted just this kind of friend for a long time, and I felt so alone most of the time.
We sometimes think we have true friends, and when everything is good, they are right by your side being the first to cheer you on.
But when you are down and out and in despair and in need of a shoulder to lean on,or in a test.
Most people see that during the rough times, friends just can't seem to be found.
Most people can't handle the pains and hurts of others.
I am not saying they mean to turn away, its just more comfortable for them.

But I know I have found a friend, ( my very bestfriend )
and his name is Jesus.
He has been there for me every time I have called him, he listens to my every care, my every hurt, every tear I shed he dries my eyes.
He hold me close and loves and comforts me.
He is there when I am happy, he there when I am sad and lonely.
I talk to him everyday, He keeps all my secrets, and help me overcome my doubts and fears,
he calms my storms and keeps me safe, he fights my battles, when I am sick he restores my
He speaks to me and helps me see when my eyes are sore, and he even carries me when I am to
weak to walk, he restores my strength.
What a Friend I Have.
John: 15:13
Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends.

And he stays close by my side.
Proverbs: 18:24
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly;
and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

My friend Jesus was always my friend even when I was not a friend to him, I was his enemy.
I would not open my ears to listen to him.
But he still wanted to be my friend and my Saviour, He never gave up on me.
He knocked on my heart' s door Once more and I finally answered and invited him in
and now he is teaching me wonderful things, ( how to be a friend, how to stand,
how to walk, how to talk.) And how to love him in the same way as he loves me.)
My friend wants to be your friend too...............
Will you accept his friendship today ?
Just think about it you can call him, morning, noon,and night, because he never sleeps,
He is there watching over you incase you need him, protecting you while you sleep.
I am Thankful My Friend Jesus kept calling and I found my perfect friend and he let him be your friend today?
He is calling you ?
WHAT A FRIEND....................

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Let God Lead You Always

When you allow God to Lead you will always walk upright, and your path will not be crooked,
Straight and Narrow leads to righteousness, broad and wide is to destruction......