Friday, March 03, 2006

What A Friend

Finding a friend is such a wonderful and precious gift, someone to confide in ,
someone to put your trust in and count on in your time of joy, and your time of sorrow,
someone to listen and understand, someone to depend on when there is no one else.
This is a true friend.
Someone to stand by you through the good times and the bad.
I have wanted just this kind of friend for a long time, and I felt so alone most of the time.
We sometimes think we have true friends, and when everything is good, they are right by your side being the first to cheer you on.
But when you are down and out and in despair and in need of a shoulder to lean on,or in a test.
Most people see that during the rough times, friends just can't seem to be found.
Most people can't handle the pains and hurts of others.
I am not saying they mean to turn away, its just more comfortable for them.

But I know I have found a friend, ( my very bestfriend )
and his name is Jesus.
He has been there for me every time I have called him, he listens to my every care, my every hurt, every tear I shed he dries my eyes.
He hold me close and loves and comforts me.
He is there when I am happy, he there when I am sad and lonely.
I talk to him everyday, He keeps all my secrets, and help me overcome my doubts and fears,
he calms my storms and keeps me safe, he fights my battles, when I am sick he restores my
He speaks to me and helps me see when my eyes are sore, and he even carries me when I am to
weak to walk, he restores my strength.
What a Friend I Have.
John: 15:13
Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends.

And he stays close by my side.
Proverbs: 18:24
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly;
and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

My friend Jesus was always my friend even when I was not a friend to him, I was his enemy.
I would not open my ears to listen to him.
But he still wanted to be my friend and my Saviour, He never gave up on me.
He knocked on my heart' s door Once more and I finally answered and invited him in
and now he is teaching me wonderful things, ( how to be a friend, how to stand,
how to walk, how to talk.) And how to love him in the same way as he loves me.)
My friend wants to be your friend too...............
Will you accept his friendship today ?
Just think about it you can call him, morning, noon,and night, because he never sleeps,
He is there watching over you incase you need him, protecting you while you sleep.
I am Thankful My Friend Jesus kept calling and I found my perfect friend and he let him be your friend today?
He is calling you ?
WHAT A FRIEND....................