Saturday, March 11, 2006

Lord Deliver Us From Ourselves

What do we have if we gain the friendship of the world and all that's within if we lose our very souls? Father God help your children....
So terrible to even think about, but we must think about what can happen if we do not obey God.
Set free indeed, but not accepting our deliverance , allowing ourselves to still be in bondage. Why?
Father forgive our disbelief and lack of faith.
You said without faith it is impossible to please you.
(Faith in action) Standing on the Rock of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Breaking down the strongholds in our lives.

There is not one single thing you have not bore upon yourself and on the cross , You alone brought Salvation and deliverance and healing to each and everyone of us.
Why do we have so little faith? Why do we continue to put limitations on you?
All Things, I mean All Things Are Possible With You, There Is No End To The Possiblies ,If We Just Trust InThe Power Of Your Blood And The Cross. ( Help Us All To Understand Your Fullness).
Through Your crucifixion and Death, and being Rose Again In Spirit And ALL Power,
You Broke The Chains Of Bondage That Held Your Children Captive.
It Is Complete, Finished. Thank you Lord Jesus............
You placed your spirit and power within your children, but we choose to allow the lies of the enemy to hold us back in bondage, we allow him to play on our minds and make us think we can do nothing, and he is right we can do nothing outside of you, It is your spirit within us that makes us able to do anything.
We need to grow strong in faith, but this comes only by nourishment from you Father, through your daily bread ( Your Word)
The world is just that; worldly and full of lust and deceit, we need deliverance from ourselves,
because if we would feed our spirit and minds and souls we would not be overcome in our sins.
Without our daily bread which comes down from heaven we grow weak , without our prayer,
(Communion with our Father ) we lose direction. Don't we see it not the world against us,
Its us against us by not walking in obedience to God, we can not blame anyone but ourselves.
But our Father said if you will seek me you shall find me, He will reveal Himself unto us if we will
just call out to him.
Now Father I pray on the lives of myself and your children, we need your strength and wisdom.
We need a touch from you Lord God That Heals And Delivers.
We are overcomers through your word that we feed upon, We need sanctification.
Speak to our spirit and let our souls be made right in thine eyes.
Help us understand and claim our total deliverance today.
Anoint our hearts and minds.
Let us be vessels of honor onto you dear Lord.
Forgive mine and all your children's disbelief, let us not be just hearers of your word but doers also, send us Lord in your strength and might.
Cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Let our Dry Bones, Live Once Again,
For Your Glory.
In Christ Name I Pray....


Rocks Don't Cry For Me

God does so love his children.
What more will it take for us to truly understand?
There is NOTHING more he can do........
He sent forth His Very Own Precious Son, and placed your sins and mine,
( the whole world ) upon him.
He was beaten and nailed to a cross , shedding his Own Blood, that we could be
There is nothing to compare, or nothing else to be done.
My God, Help Us See Our Shamefulness............

He bare it all and we still will not look to him.
Don't we understand we are to offer up spiritual sacrifices to our Heavenly Father?
1peter2: 5
Ye also as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house,
an holy preisthood, to offer up Spiritual sacrifices,acceptable to God by
Jesus Christ.

Do we not understand that if we don't give you praise the very stones (rocks)
will cry out?
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!!!!!
Luke 19: 40
And he ( Christ ) answered and said unto them,
I tell you that, if these should hold their peace,
the stones would immediately cry out.

Why can we not seem to glorify our Lord and Saviour?
HE IS SO WORTHY......................................
Sometimes I just can't understand, people go to ballgames and concerts, races, etc....
And jump up and down and scream and shout the victory for our favorite people, we put them
up so high above everything, and what have they done for you?
absolutely nothing.
But the One person , God and Saviour of all who has given to us the very best Christ Jesus
The very one that gave all , The Precious blood, A Lamb for Slaughter, He did it all, and everything for you and I, and where is his Cheering section? Why do we remain in our seats? paralyzed it seems, Help us Lord. Why are our Lips silent when it comes time to shout the victory, the freedom , life everlasting, that he has given unto all that believe on him?
He chose you and gave his life for you that you might live and not die.
1peter 1: 9
But ye are a chosen generation; a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;
that ye should shew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness
into his marvellous light.

Let us begin our days will a sacrifice of praise, Glorify your Father,
because without him you would not have any days, how patiencely he waits for you and I
to see and understand if we will just humble ourselves and bow before him and accept his love and guidance he will protect and keep you and make your life complete and whole in him.
He will give you such peace and give you the desires of your heart.
He is waiting to shower you with heavenly blessing and prosper you in all that you do.
Lets Worship And Adore Him and Give Our Lives Completely to Him, He Will Not FAIL YOU..
I will praise him with all my heart, all my strength, till the day he takes me home .
I will not let the stones cry out in my place.