Friday, February 16, 2007

Wedding Invitation From God

Giving of His Son To Whosoever Will Confess Him And Their Heart And Love For Him.

Groom: Christ Jesus - Son Of The Living God
Bride: You - If You So Willing Choose Him
Date: To be announced by the Father at any given moment

Marriage Preformed In Heaven Above By God the Father

Your Father in heaven invites you to become the bride of Christ Jesus " His Son"
Will you accept his precious son to be united with as one for all eternity?
Christ Jesus loves you and wants to unite with you but you must verbally accept his love and confess your love toward him, by calling him and asking him into your heart.
Christ has already shown his love for you on the cross at Calvary making you the righteousness of him and presentable " worthy" through him to his Father and soon to be your Father if you accept him and what he has done for you and that he rose again that you might live through him and with him forever......
The Bridegroom waits patiently at the right hand of God for his bride to call him, time is short soon the wedding will begin and if you put off your acceptance it could be to late, once the marriage begins the door will close and none can enter in.
Be ready to leave "suit up" put on the righteousness of God " His Spirit."
When the Father calls he will not delay....
Christ is asking you today, will you accept him in your heart and be joined unto him? Let God unite you and join you to his son.
Give Christ your answer today, today is the accepted day.

2 Cor6:2
( for he saith.I HAVE HEARD THEE IN A TIME ACCEPTED, AND IN THE DAY OF SALVATION HAVE I SUCCOURED THEE: behold, now is the day of salvation.)

Matt 19:6
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together let no man put asunder

God may call the bride at any moment.

1 Cor.15:52
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump: for the trumpet shall
sound, and the dead be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed.

Let's get engaged with Christ Jesus.

Without Hope Is A Life Desolate

If we have not hope in Christ Jesus, then where is our hope?
" We have none."
If believing makes me an outcast, so I shall be.........
I trust that it is far better to believe there is life eternal and it not to be so,
though through the spirit within me I am assured.
By believing there is hope for my soul.
If I do not believe and it turns out to be the truth, my soul will be eternally lost....
Without hope in Christ all is definitely lost, we perish as if we never were...
At least where there is hope we can look for more glorious days and glorious things to be in the Lord
How can one look about and see all the wonders of things seeing all creation and its beauty to behold, the mountains, sky, oceans and trees and not believe nor wonder where it all began, it did not appear of itself it had to begin somewhere.The moon and the stars, the sun and earth had to come from a more excellent higher power source than you or I " No person could create all there is.
We must hope within ourselves and believe there has to be more of a purpose for our lives, if not, what is the reason for our whole existence? What have we accomplished that will mean anything? ( absolutely nothing.)
Why are we here if we are just placed here to live and then return to the earth " dust?"
If that is all there is for us why do we dream?
Why are we afraid to die? Why suffer and battle all the sickness and pain,why seek doctors to try and help us to feel better or try to live longer if we have not an eternal soul that will live after this life, why not return to the dust, would we not be far better to die and be done with our suffering?
We all place our hopes and trust in something, through all the pain and heartaches of the world why not place your trust in Christ The Lord and in God The Father, what have you got to lose by trusting in him? If you don't believe there is life after death, you have nothing to lose by trusting in God, but if there is life after death you have everything, I mean everything to gain in trusting and believing in Jesus Christ.
If you choose not to open your heart and accept the son of the Living God, then you must understand and know this: Without The Lord, my life, your life, are meaningless
 there is no reason for joy only sorrow,just to exist for a while and vanish away, lost eternally, doomed to hell. We all place our trust in something or somebody, let's place our trust where it belongs, in Christ Jesus, the one who loved us enough to bare our sins, and pay our debt on the cross of Calvary with his own blood that we could be saved through him, but only through him is there salvation and eternal life.
Who Will You Trust?
I place my trust in God and my Lord Jesus Christ and know that he shall deliver my soul and give me peace and rest and joy unspeakable through out all eternity, in the very presence of my Savior the one whom has called me and breathed his very breathe into my soul.
I hope all others will call upon him and place there trust in him also...