Sunday, March 05, 2006

Running Your Race To Victory

Did you not know that you are running the Biggest Race Of Your Life?
The clock is ticking and time is running out......
The Race you run is yours Alone, even though there are others running a race too, The races are alike in some respect, but different also, its not about who gets to the finish line first, its about who will complete the race.
People don't always start their race at the same time.
Your race begins the moment you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, Then
Christ applies the Blood upon you,( which makes you a winner !!!!! ) Praise God Almighty.
Then Christ Jesus gives you all direction on how to proceed to victory lane.....
Remember You Have The advantage , Christ Jesus has already ran your race ahead of you,
So he knows what is in your path and how to overcome these obstacles, if you will just focus your eyes and ears toward him, he will guide you through...........
Your race is straight forth, There are only sharp curves and winding roads or dead-end streets,
If you decide you already know the course and you can do it alone.........................................
Then this is where your race gets hard, solely because you have taken your eyes off of Christ,and become blinded and bare off the road and turn your race into a Demolition Derby .
You stall out and lose all will to even try and finish, thus forth Satan laughs and thinks he's
pinned you up and no power to go on, and he comes to take you completely out of the race,
Thinking he has completely finished you off......
But By The Power Of God, it does not have to be, with his unfailing love and forgiveness,
He will gently pick you back up and set your feet back on course, stronger than ever, if you will just humble yourself and call unto him and ask forgiveness for taking your eyes off him, he will restore you back into your race and will lead you to the finish line.
There You Will Receive Your Reward, ( ETERNAL LIFE)
Will you ask him to lead you today?
Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher
of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him
endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down
at the right hand of the throne of God.
Let Us , Let God Have All Reign In Our Hearts And Every Area Of Our Lives.