Friday, September 29, 2006

"Heaven's Gift"

Nothing to compare this glorious, divine gift to..................
God gave unto us the perfect gift, one that money can not buy, ( free of charge).
A gift so undeserved, A gift from heaven above " Jesus Christ ".
The most excellent gift you shall or ever want to receive. ( but you must receive it).
Christ truly left it all, his whole life , His Father, his glorious home, peace, tranquility, his robe,
his crown, jewels, treasure beyond measure, and living in the presence of angels to worship
him day and night.
He laid it all down to come to a rebellious and sinful world.
( To Lay Down His Life Once Again.)
Not only did he give up heaven but he came to this world only to be hated, rejected by whom he
came to save, and died a painful, and humiliating death here, just to "Give up his life ", once again taking upon himself our shame and transgressions, our sickness.
His Purpose, " to be crucified" and rise again, that we might have life, " to rescue you and I."
He loves us unconditionally and bestows his love, mercy and grace upon us each day.
The gift is free and ours for the asking, just receive it, lay claim to it.
He came to save the lost......................................

Luke 19: 10
For the Son of man is come to seek and save that which is lost.

He gently knocks upon your hearts door, waiting to give unto you his gift of life.

Rev 3:20
Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

He wants us to love him as he loves us, we must invite him in, he waits for an invitation from each of us personality, he will not force us, ( it is our own decision to make.)
Just as Christ decided we were worth saving.
He sacrificed himself and shed his own precious blood for you and I, that we may be spared and have life, if that does not prove how much he wants and loves you and I there is nothing else
he can or will do..........
Just in that alone should make our hearts be overcome with joy and cause our hearts desire to be only unto him.
He just wants us to accept him and to love him and follow after him, and let him be Lord and reign over our lives.

So I ask you is Jesus, Lord of your Life?
Will you accepted his free gift today?
A Gift Truly Sent From Heaven Above..
You Make The Choice.
Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord.

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