Friday, February 16, 2007

Wedding Invitation From God

Giving of His Son To Whosoever Will Confess Him And Their Heart And Love For Him.

Groom: Christ Jesus - Son Of The Living God
Bride: You - If You So Willing Choose Him
Date: To be announced by the Father at any given moment

Marriage Preformed In Heaven Above By God the Father

Your Father in heaven invites you to become the bride of Christ Jesus " His Son"
Will you accept his precious son to be united with as one for all eternity?
Christ Jesus loves you and wants to unite with you but you must verbally accept his love and confess your love toward him, by calling him and asking him into your heart.
Christ has already shown his love for you on the cross at Calvary making you the righteousness of him and presentable " worthy" through him to his Father and soon to be your Father if you accept him and what he has done for you and that he rose again that you might live through him and with him forever......
The Bridegroom waits patiently at the right hand of God for his bride to call him, time is short soon the wedding will begin and if you put off your acceptance it could be to late, once the marriage begins the door will close and none can enter in.
Be ready to leave "suit up" put on the righteousness of God " His Spirit."
When the Father calls he will not delay....
Christ is asking you today, will you accept him in your heart and be joined unto him? Let God unite you and join you to his son.
Give Christ your answer today, today is the accepted day.

2 Cor6:2
( for he saith.I HAVE HEARD THEE IN A TIME ACCEPTED, AND IN THE DAY OF SALVATION HAVE I SUCCOURED THEE: behold, now is the day of salvation.)

Matt 19:6
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together let no man put asunder

God may call the bride at any moment.

1 Cor.15:52
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump: for the trumpet shall
sound, and the dead be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed.

Let's get engaged with Christ Jesus.

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