Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Knowing True Love

Love is the giving of one's self, loving from the depths of one's heart unselfishly,
giving all of one's heart to another not just a part of.
Love is sometimes sacrificing our own needs and wants for the good of others.
Love is being there through the good times and also the not so good times, bringing comfort to another through just a smile or a hug or just simply being there to show
that you care, providing strength and encouragement to another when they are in need, caring about someone other than thyself alone.
These are all parts of loving another person.
But there is a greater love than this a love that is far beyond what a person could possibly comprehend.
This love is the love of our Father in heaven and the love of his precious Son Jesus Christ.
The love of a Father to give his only begotten Son that we might know his love and live through him, giving his Son for a ransom for each of us.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Christ our Lord loved us so much that he gave All of himself.
Loving enough to take our punishment, our sins, our sickness and pain to the cross, shedding his own precious blood unto death on the cross, while we were yet far from him in our iniquities lost and so alone and dying.

Romans 5:8
But God commendeth his love toward us, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

There is no Greater Love than this, than someone to lay down their life that others might live.

John 15:13
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

This is the only real love that exist the only love that can complete us and make us whole, an unchanging love that will last through out all eternity, all else fades in comparison.
The love between people soon will be done no longer to rise with the morning sun, whether it be the fading of one's heart toward another or death that causes one to part from the other.
God gives us people to love and to love us back while we are here on earth but, the love of our Father and his Son will live always in the heart of man forever through eternity this shall be.
To experience what true love, perfect love can be ask Christ Jesus in your heart to abide with thee.
Ask Christ Jesus Saviour of the world the one who gave all so unselfishly to create in you a new heart to love him and others as he first loved thee.
God is love " Beyond Measure " of what you and I can possibly see, a love for you and me that we never ever imagined could be.
Choose God and you will see, you will always have someone who will love you unconditionally.
Accept his love today and see what your tomorrow will be while his angels are watching over thee.
Just think how disappointing it will be if we neglect his precious love and find we have no tomorrow to accept his love and knowing we have missed out on heaven above.
Tell him how much you love him and need him this day and find a love that will never fade away through out eternity forever to stay.........


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the sum placed at our free disposal in proper allotment--admits of still finer application for the illustration of the dream structure.. Still, for that great act we speak of Isaacs gratefully and remember him kindly; and he forges on, hoping to meet the football somewhere again. Two hundred yards from the drift into which she had jumped there was a turn in the road, where some trees shut off the sight, and the deacon's anxiety increased momentarily until he reached this point.. Therefore our two ladies in preparing for their intended appearance at Mrs.. The Colonel spent that afternoon in making diplomatic inquiries.. Back you go, sir--straight back; an' don't you come home 'thout that donkey, or you'll rue it, sure as my name is Hannah Brown. For all that, wild horses could not have torn from the Colonel a word about Hotchkiss's anger.. These stories are fully protected by copyright, and should not be republished except by permission of the publishers mentioned.. But if I could just look it over, I guess I could.. I grant that it was more harmonious with her superb beauty and her rich attire.. Why, it never made no difference to him --he'd bet on any thing--the dangest feller.. Podington, the reins and whip in his hands, sat horrified and pale; the accident was so sudden, he was so startled and so frightened that, for a moment, he could not speak a word.. But he did not oftenest frequent the banqueting hall, where were endless hospitality and feasting--nor did he loiter much in reception rooms, where a throng of new visitors was forever swarming--nor did he feed his vanity by haunting the apartment in which were stored the trophies of his varied triumphs--nor dream much in the great gallery hung with pictures of his travels.. Politics, I would remark, however, had been regarded by Mr.. And yet, on the further side of those broad ridges and rises were scores of villages--a little world of country life, lying unseen under our eyes.. I can speak feelingly as to the annoyance (for I have known it by my own experience) when after inviting a number of my friends to meet some strangers, the strangers have sent an excuse almost at the eleventh hour.. [1] Another dream of parturition, with its interpretation, I take from the work of E.. Watkinson? And it's quite sure I am, sir, replied the man, when I first came over from the ould country I lived with them awhile, and though when she saw me to-day, she did not let on that she remembered my doing that same, she could not help calling me James.. The ass brays, the horse neighs, the sheep bleats--the feathered denizens of the grove call to their mates in more musical roundelays.. Them's the fifteen dollars Mr...

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